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Conference Presentation
23 June - 25 June 2022
12th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association

Bastian Becker and Dean Dulay will give a presentation at the EPSA 2022 in Prague which takes place at the Prague Congress Centre.

Conference Presentation
12-13 May 2022
National Center of Competence in Research - The Migration-Mobility Nexus

Carina Schmitt and Amanda Shriwise are presenting on "The Constitution of European Welfare States During Colonial Times: A North-South Story" at the NCCR Conference on "Welfare and Human Mobility in Europe: Past and Present Challenges" in Basel. They are part of the panel "The (Post)Colonial Legacy and Its Impact on Welfare Regimes (In Europe)".

Invited Talk
18 March 2022
Online | University of Oslo - Department of Political Science

Seminar with Carina Schmitt and Bastian Becker from the University of Bremen on the "License to Educate: The Role of National Networks in Colonial Empires".

Conference Presentation
8 March 2022
Online | PIPE Symposium: The Political Economy of Empire

Bastian Becker gives a presentation on the role of Christian Missions in Colonial Africa.

Conference Presentation
15-16 October 2021
WarfareWelfare2021: Warfare, Welfare and Transformations of European Society in the 20th Century

Carina Schmitt and Amanda Shriwise are presenting on "The Warfare-Welfare Nexus in British and French West African Colonies in the Course of the First and Second World Wars" at the WarfareWelfare2021 in Berlin. They are part of the panel "Warfare and Welfare on a Global and Transnational Scale (WWI and II)".

Conference Presentation
25-27 August 2021
Online | Annual Conference of RC19, International Sociological Association

Carina Schmitt and Amanda Shriwise are presenting on "The Warfare-Welfare Nexus in British and French West African Colonies in the Course of the First World War" at the Annual Conference of RC19, taking place online. They are part of the panel "Trajectories of Social Policies".

Conference Presentation
2-5 July 2021
Online | Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE)

Bastian Becker and Carina Schmitt are organizing panel sessions on Political Economy of Colonialism for the SASE 2021 Conference titled "After Covid? Critical Conjunctures and Contingent Pathways of Contemporary Capitalism".

Conference Presentation
25 June 2021
Online | European Political Science Association

Bastian Becker is presenting on "State-Church Synergies in Colonial Empires: Longitudinal Evidence on Missionary Expansion in Africa" at the 11th Annual Meeting of the European Political Science Association, taking place online. He is part of the panel "Historical Origins of Contemporary Politics 2".

Conference Presentation
25 June 2021
Online | European Political Science Association

Bastian Becker and Carina Schmitt are presenting on "Christian Missionaries and Social Protection in Colonial Africa" at the 11th Annual Meeting of the European Political Science Association, taking place online. They are part of the panel "Historical Origins of Contemporary Politics 1".

Invited Talk
18 November 2020
Online | MPI for Social Law & Social Policy

Carina Schmitt gave a talk on "Colonialism and the Emergence of Social Policy in the Global South: A North-South Story" at the Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Social Law and Social Policy in Munich, Germany.

25 September 2020 – 8 October 2020
University of Bremen

Conference Presentation
25 August 2020
Online | European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)

Carina Schmitt presented a paper entitled "Colonialism and the Rise of Social Assistance in the Global South" at the General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR). She was a part of a panel on "Globalization, Economic Volatility, and Social Protection".

Conference Presentation
22 June 2020
Council for European Studies

Bastian Becker presented a paper entitled "The Colonial Labour Question: Trade and Social Policy in Interwar Africa" at the Annual Conference of the Council for European Studies (online, self-organized due to Covid-19 cancellation).

Conference Presentation
19 June 2020
University of Bremen

Carina Schmitt and Bastian Becker presented a paper entitled "The Colonial Labour Question: Trade and Social Policy in Interwar Africa" at the Political Economy Workshop, at the University of Bremen, Germany.

Invited Talk
12 May 2020
University of Erfurt

Bastian Becker gave a talk on “Social Policy and Welfare in the Global South: Historical Legacies and Contemporary Challenges” at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, University of Erfurt, Germany.

Conference Presentation
28 January 2020
University of Bremen

Bastian Becker presented a paper entitled "The Colonial Struggle over Polygamy: Consequences for Education and Equality in Contemporary Africa" at the Political Economy Workshop, at the University of Bremen, Germany.

Invited Talk
27 November 2019
University of Heidelberg

Bastian Becker and Carina Schmitt gave a talk on “Continuity and Change in Social Policy Priorities throughout 20th-century Africa” at the Institute of Political Science Colloquium at the Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg, Germany.

Invited Talk
21 November 2019
University of Kansas

Amanda Shriwise gave a talk on "The Legacy of Colonialism: Origins and Outcomes of Social Protection" at Department of Sociology, University of Kansas.

Conference Presentation
28 August 2019
International Sociological Association (ISA)

Amanda Shriwise presented a paper entitled "Warfare and Welfare in Colonial South Africa", at the International Sociological Association Research Committee 19 Annual Conference on "Global Crises and Social Policy: Coping with Conflict, Migration and Climate Change" in Mannheim, Germany.

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