Schmitt, Carina, Becker, Bastian, Ebeling, Judith M. and Shriwise, Amanda, 2020. In Schmitt, C. (Ed.) From Colonialism to International Aid. External Actors and Social Protection in the Global South, Global Dynamics of Social Policy (pp.357-376). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
This chapter depicts the main results of this book volume in a synthesized way. It elucidates the role played by external actors in social protection in the Global South, from colonialism to international aid in the light of the findings of this book volume. All chapters are summarized with regard to the types of external actors involved, how they exert their influence over time, what their main objectives and preferences with regard to social protection look like and in what ways their influence is conditioned, limited or translated by national factors. Subsequently, we discuss and critically evaluate the findings along several dimensions such as methodological approaches, geographical scope and generalizability of results. A final section provides an outlook on potential future avenues for research.
Cite as: Schmitt, C., Becker, B., Ebeling, J.M. and Shriwise, A., 2020. Critical Assessment and Outlook. In Schmitt, C. (Ed.) From Colonialism to International Aid. External Actors and Social Protection in the Global South, Global Dynamics of Social Policy (pp.357-376). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-38200-1_14