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Social Policy and Britain’s 1929 Colonial Development Act
Shriwise, A., forthcoming. In: Gonzalez de Reufels, D., Nullmeier, F., and Obinger, H. (Eds.) International Impacts on Social Policies.
From Colonialism to International Aid: External Actors and Social Protection in the Global South
Schmitt, Carina, 2020. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Colonial Legacies in International Aid: Policy Priorities and Actor Constellations
Becker, Bastian, 2020. In Schmitt, C. (Ed.) From Colonialism to International Aid. External Actors and Social Protection in the Global South
Critical Assessment and Outlook
Schmitt, Carina, Becker, Bastian, Ebeling, Judith M. and Shriwise, Amanda, 2020. In Schmitt, C. (Ed.) From Colonialism to International Aid.
External Actors and Social Protection in the Global South: An overview
Schmitt, Carina, 2020. In Schmitt, C. (Ed.) From Colonialism to International Aid. External Actors and Social Protection in the Global South
Advancing Transnational Approaches to Social Protection in the Global South
Shriwise, Amanda, 2020. In Schmitt, C. (Ed) From Colonialism to International Aid. External Actors and Social Protection in the Global South
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